Dic 262012


1.- Parte inferior de una cosa hueca.

2.- Hablando del mar, de los ríos, estanques, pozos, etc., superficie sólida sobre la cual está el agua. Ver lecho.

Ejemplo / Aplicación:

Compuerta de fondo: compuerta de descarga


Inglés: underflow gate
Try out new postures To prevent boredom and bring more color, try different and advanced sex positions with your partner. cialis price canada The muscle is exercised by squeezing sildenafil delivery it; men can identify the muscle by stopping the flow of urine and hence used in retention of urine. Kamagra treats ED and its effect remains for cialis without prescription uk four to six hours. generic cialis online http://downtownsault.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/DDA-2016-Year-End-Report.pdf Always stick to the prescribed dosage and never combine it with regular exercise and a balanced diet. Francés: vanne de fond
Italiano: saracinesca di fondo

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Términos relacionados:

Carga, Solera, Lecho, Rasante