Nov 242012


Areas where rainwater is collected and either directly applied to the cropped area, and stored in the soil profile for immediate uptake by the crop (runoff irrigation) or stored in a water reservoir for future productive use (for example used for supplementary irrigation). Rainwater harvesting includes: (i) Roof water harvesting is mainly used for domestic purposes and sometimes as water supply for family gardens; (ii) Micro-catchment water harvesting is characterized by a relatively small catchment area C (< 1 000 m²) and cropping area CA (< 100 m²) with ratio C:CA = 1:1 to 10:1. The farmer usually has control over both the catchment area and the target area. These systems are used for the irrigation of a single tree, fodder shrubs or annual crops. The construction is mainly manual. Examples are pits, semi-circular bunds, Negarim micro-catchment, eyebrow terrace, contour bench terrace, etc.; (iii) Macro-catchment water harvesting collects water that flows over the ground as turbulent runoff and channel flow. These systems are characterized by a large catchment area C (‘external’ catchment area of 1 000 m² – 200 ha), located outside the cultivated area CA, with a ratio C:CA = 10:1 to 100:1. The systems are mainly implemented for the production of annual crops. The construction is manual or mechanized. Examples are trapezoidal bunds, large semi-circular bunds, stone bunds, etc.


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Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, AQUASTAT Web Site

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